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Friday, March 15, 2013

Bethel eNews Week of March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18th
Spirit Day - "Give Winter the Boot"
(Wear your favorite boots!)
Spy Science Enrichment, 2:30-4:00 pm

Tuesday, March 19th
PASS Writing (3rd-5th grades)
Battle of the Books, 7:30 am
Student Council, 2:30 pm
Multiage Information Night (Primary 6pm; Intermediate 7pm)

Wednesday, March 20th
PASS Writing (3rd-5th grades)
Running Club, 7:15 am
Clubs (3rd-5th), 1:30-2:15 pm
1st Day of Spring

Thursday, March 21st
Chorus, 7:15 am

Friday, March 22nd 
Battle of the Books, 7:30 am
Multiage and Extended Day Applications Due

Word of the Week: treacherous
Definition: treachous means very dangerous
Sentence: The ice storm made the roads too treacherous to drive.

PASS Testing
Students in grades 3-5 will take the Writing portion of the PASS test March 19th-20th.  Please be sure your child gets ample sleep before testing, and encourage them to do their best on these assessments. We appreciate your continued support!

Reminders from the Health Room
In order to avoid spreading illnesses to others, students must be fever free (less than 100 degrees) for 24 hours, without fever-reducing medication before returning to school.  In addition, students must be free of vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school. Thank you! 
Spring Sing
The following fifth grade students auditioned and have been selected to participate in Spring Sing on March 26 at the Peace Center - Hailey Zentz, Lindsay Taylor, Kaitlyn Runzel, Danny Donegan, Ben Solesbee, Haley Morgan, Macey Morgan, Caleb Lyles, Caroline Gallman, and Katie Wood. This event is an opportunity for students to participate in a district-wide musical performance. Congratulations to these students!

Multiage Application Process 2013-2014
We will accept multiage applications March 4th–22nd. Applications are available in the front office. Our Primary Multiage consists of 1st/2nd graders, and Intermediate Multiage is 3rd/4th graders. We will have open spaces in all four of these grade levels. A structured lottery will be used to select students for multiage. Parents will be notified of selection results in April. Please click HERE to view more information about our multiage program.
Extended Day Registration 2013-2014
We will accept new Extended Day (after school) registrations March 4th -22nd. Depending on the number of registrations, we may have a lottery from the registrations collected during this time period to determine which students will receive a spot in the program for next year. Space is limited! The registration fee is $40 per family. Forms are available at or in the front office. If you have any questions, contact our director, Janice Broyles, at 355-4167.

Our next Spirit Night will be on March 28th at Moe's on Woodruff Road from 5:00-8:00 pm. Please be sure to mention Bethel when ordering. We hope to see you there!

Bethel Bash T-Shirt Design Winner
The design for this year’s Bethel Bash T-Shirt has been chosen! Congratulations to our grand prize winner who will have their design on the front of the t-shirt this year, Julisa Gonzalez from Mrs. Williams 1st grade class. She has won a free t-shirt and $30 worth of tickets. Congratulations to our grade level winners also who have won a free t-shirt and $20 worth of free tickets. Lillian Carll from Mrs. Stephen's K5 class, Audrey Cobb from 2nd grade PMA, Addison Crawford from Mrs. Cribb's 3rd grade, Devin Gwinn from Mrs. Acor's 4th grade and Jacob Chapman from Mrs. Guest's 5th grade class. Congratulations to all of our winners!!!

Bethel Bash
Mark your calendars now for the Bethel Bash!  It will be May 17th from 4:00-8:00 PM. Please remember to send in your egg shells for the confetti eggs. A flyer went home in Friday folders a few weeks ago and extra copies are available in the front office.  Remember to write your child’s name and teacher on the egg carton before sending them to the PTA room. We also continue to accept donations of silly string and hair paint.

The Bethel Bash is one of the most fun events for our students as well as our volunteers! We need volunteers the day of May 17th to help with set-up, selling tickets, selling concessions, running carnival games and rides, and much more.  Please plan to help out and join the fun!  Let us know if you're interested by emailing Lori Flaherty at You will be contacted as it gets closer to the date.

Information has been sent to parents regarding items that are needed for the grade level themed baskets that will be raffled at the Silent Auction. All donated items should be sent in by April 12. If you have questions, please call Joni Puckett at 270-3303 or email her at  

Monday, March 18th
Choice A: Beef burrito
Choice B: Black bean taco
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken tortilla soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Pinto beans
Choice of fruit

Tuesday, March 19th
Choice A: Enchilada pie with garlic breadstick
Choice B: Baked fish sandwich
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

Wednesday, March 20th
Choice A: Chicken pot pie 
Choice B: Arroz con queso
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken noodle soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

Thursday, March 21st
Choice A: Baked potato creation station  
Choice B: Salisbury steak
Choice C: Vegetation Station (tomato basil soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Mixed vegetables

Choice of fruit

Friday, March 22nd
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: Deli sandwich on a whole grain bun
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

March Calendar News

April 1-5
Spring Break
April 8
3rd Grade Columbia field trip
April 9
Report Cards Issued
April 12
PTA Spring Dance 6:00-8:00 PM
April 15-19
Book Fair

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