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Friday, September 7, 2012

Bethel E-News Week of September 10, 2012

Monday, September 10th
PTA Board Meeting, 9:30am
Challenge Parent Meeting, 6:00pm
PTA Open House, 6:30pm

Tuesday, September 11th
Boosterthon Pep Rallies
Boy Scout Info Meeting, 6:30pm (cafeteria)

Thursday, September 13th
Chorus, 7:15am

Friday, September 14th
Running Club, 7:15am

MAP Testing
During the month of September many of our students will take MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) testing in reading and math.  This computerized test will be given to all students in grades 2-5 and some 1st graders.  Your child’s teacher will communicate the testing dates to you.  Results will be sent home as soon as they are available.

PTA Open House
We hope you will join us at the upcoming PTA Open House on Monday, September 10 at 6:30 pm.  We will begin with a brief PTA meeting in the cafeteria, and we will have two classroom visitation sessions where teachers will share important information regarding the school year.  Please make every attempt to attend.  Research shows that students achieve more when parents are actively involved at school.

Boosterthon is back!
PTA will kick-off our Boosterthon fundraiser beginning September 11.  We will have a pep rally with students to share information about the Boosterthon Fun Run. Please look for information to come home in your child's book bag on September 11th. Students will collect pledges and participate in the Fun Run on September 20 at Bethel.  Boosterthon will promote fitness, leadership, good character, and fun!  Parents are encouraged to attend the Fun Run for their child’s grade level on September 20 – K5/1st (8:15-9:15), 2nd/3rd & PMA (9:25-10:25), and 4th/5th & IMA (10:35-11:35).  You won’t want to miss it!

Don't forget to join the PTA!   We are counting on your assistance to help Bethel reach 100% membership.  Memberships are $5.  In order to reach 100%, we ask that you join for each student you have at Bethel.  You should have received a membership form in the packet distributed at Meet the Teacher.  If you are in need of another form or have questions, please contact Mandi Palmer at or Stephanie Yearwood at

Room Parent Meeting
If you signed up and have been confirmed as the room parent for your child’s class, please attend one of the room parent meetings on September 18th. We will have a meeting at 9:30 am in the cafeteria and another that evening at 6:30 in the Media Center. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Flaherty at

Subway has taken a new approach for this year’s back-to-school, health-focused program for students in elementary and middle schools. Local Subway restaurants have joined with a Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) and The Jared Foundation to launch the “Fresh Start Challenge.” Kids ages 5 to 14 can participate with parent permission by tracking their good diet and exercise activities. Winners will be selected by random drawing to receive a sub party for their class and $1,000 fitness grant for their school. Two winners will be chosen in each participating market area. The program will begin August 6 and run through September 30, 2012.

Starting August 6, program information will be available at participating Subway restaurants in your area or online at

Thank you for your help in promoting healthy habits! 

Monday, September 10th
Choice A: Nachos, beef, and cheese
Choice B: Black bean taco
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken tortilla soup, salad bar, and bread)
Spanish-Mexican rice
Pinto beans
Sliced Pears

Tuesday, September 11th
Choice A: Chicken pot pie
Choice B: Hummus Plate
Choice C: Vegetation Station (broccoli cheddar soup, salad bar, and bread)
Vegetable medley
Pineapple tidbits

Wednesday, September 12th
Choice A: Baked potato creation station w/ whole grain roll
Choice B: Baked fish
Choice C: Vegetation Station (Asian ginger chicken soup, salad bar, and bread)
Sliced peaches

Thursday, September 13th
Choice A: Enchilada pie
Choice B: Turkey wrap
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken & brown rice soup, salad bar, and bread)
Baked sweet potato
Fruit cocktail

Friday, September 14th
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: Vegetable frittata w/ whole grain breadstick
Choice C: Vegetation Station (vegetable beef soup, salad bar, and bread)
Fresh peaches

September Calendar News

October  2                   Chick-fil-A Night, Woodruff Rd., 6-8 pm
October  5                        College Team Day
October  10                Club & Make-Up Pictures
October18, 19             No School / Teacher Workdays
October 23                  Sticky Fingers Spirit Night
October 26                  Fall Dance, 6-8 pm

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