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Friday, September 13, 2013

Bethel eNews Week of September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16th
BLAST Lego (4th/5th), 2:30-4:00 pm

Tuesday, September 17th
Good News Club Begins

Wednesday, September 18th
Running Club, 7:15 am
Clubs (3rd-5th), 1:30-2:15 pm

Thursday, September 19th
Chorus, 7:15 am

Word of the Week: perceptive
Definition: to be keenly aware of things
Sentence: Sarah is a perceptive young lady.

Join In On The Box Tops Fun!
Want to win a Toys R Us gift card? Get your neighbors, friends, coworkers, aunts, uncles, grandparents and anyone else you know to clip Box Tops. You can go to to see a complete list of products. Then just put them in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name and teacher on the outside and send them in to the school. We will be having monthly contests throughout the year. The first contest deadline is September 30th. The top winner from grades K-2 and 3-5 will win a $25 gift card to Toys R Us! So get clipping!!

Vote for Bethel
This year, Target will give money to schools all over the country for one simple act: a vote. Our school needs just 25 votes to earn a $25 donation from Target. But that's only the beginning. For each additional vote, our school will get $1 more. So please remember that, although the gesture is small, the rewards are potentially huge. Go to to vote for Bethel Elementary School once a week through September 21 or until Target has given away all $5 million.

Have You Joined PTA?
Don't forget to purchase a PTA membership for $5!  We are counting on your assistance to help Bethel reach 100%.  In order to do this, we ask that you join for each child you have at Bethel.  You should have received a membership form in the packet distributed at Meet the Teacher.  If you need another form, please contact your child’s teacher or you can download a form from the school website.  If you have questions, contact Kelly Radecki at

The Boosterthon Fun Run was a huge success. Thank you to our wonderful parents for supporting Bethel PTA! Students are encouraged to turn in pledge money by Thursday, September 19th

Monday, September 16th
Choice A: Chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomato
Choice B: Veggie burger
Choice C: Vegetation Station (broccoli cheddar soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Pinto beans
Choice of fruit 

Tuesday, September 17th
Choice A: Deli sandwich
Choice B: Arroz Con Queso 
Choice C: Vegetation Station (Asian ginger chicken soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Vegetable medley
Choice of fruit 

Wednesday, September 18th
Choice A: Hamburger with cheese, lettuce, and tomato
Choice B: Macaroni and cheese with broccoli
Choice C: Vegetation Station (vegetable beef soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit 

Thursday, September 19th
Choice A: Chicken gumbo over brown rice
Choice B: Pimento cheese on whole grain croissant 
Choice C: Vegetation Station (southwest chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Green beans
Choice of fruit 

Friday, September 20th
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: BBQ sandwich
Choice C: Vegetation Station (ham and bean soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit 

Coming in October
October 4
College Spirit Day
October 8-11
Fifth Grade to Washington, DC
October 17, 18
No School (Teacher Workdays)
October 25
PTA Fall Dance, 6:00-8:00 PM
October 31
Report Cards Issued

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