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Friday, February 1, 2013

Bethel E-News Week of February 4, 2013

Tuesday, February 5th
Battle of the Books, 7:30 am
5th Grade MMS Tour, 9:30 am
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night, 5:00-8:00 pm
MMS Curriculum Night, 6:00 pm

Thursday, February 7th
Chorus, 7:15 am
Lego Enrichment, 2:30-4:00 pm

Friday, February 8th
Battle of the Books, 7:30 am

Word of the Week: Ponder
Definition: to think about carefully
Sentence: Mrs. Dailey pondered what book to read to her class.

The following fifth grade students auditioned and have been selected to participate in Spring Sing on March 26 at the Peace Center - Hailey Zentz, Lindsay Taylor, Kaitlyn Runzel, Danny Donegan, Ben Solesbee, Haley Morgan, Macey Morgan, Caleb Lyles, Caroline Gallman, and Katie Wood. This event is an opportunity for students to participate in a district-wide musical performance. Congratulations to these students!

Valentine's Day Parties
We will have Valentine’s Day parties on February 14th – K5 & Mrs. Irick’s class (10:30-11:15) and 1st – 5th grades (1:15-2:00). Please remember to provide a balance of sweets and healthy foods for the party! Parents who assist with the parties will be asked to leave at 2:00 for security reasons allowing us to prepare for a safe afternoon dismissal. Parents will no longer be allowed to sign children out from the classroom during events such as parties and the school picnic. Students with early dismissals must go through the front office. Thank you for helping us with school safety!

K5 and New 1st Grade Registration
Registration for K5 and new 1st graders for 2013-2014 has begun. Please be sure to register now so we can have an accurate projection for next year. The district has posted the school calendar for 2013-2014 on their website. You may go to to access their calendar. The first day of school will be Wednesday, August 21st.

Family Time at Pleasant Valley
Bethel staff members look forward to our upcoming visit to the Pleasant Valley Community Center on Tuesday, February 12th from 3:30-5:00 pm. If you live in the Pleasant Valley community, you are invited to join us for a parenting workshop, book give-aways, and a free meal. We look forward to seeing you there!

Spirit Night will be held at Chick-fil-A January 7th from 5-8 pm. Drive-through and dine in orders will be tallied and Bethel will receive 20% of sales. Please be sure to mention Bethel when you are ordering. The class with the most participation will receive a special prize. Take the night off from cooking and come join us!

Science Fair
Science Fair projects are due in your child's classroom on February 22nd. Projects must include an experiment, NOT a demonstration. It must include a question that you do an experiment to answer. Students should choose a topic in which they are interested. Remember to keep your science simple – it is more important to follow (and write up) the steps of the scientific method than to have a complicated project. We will recognize our school's Science Fair winners at our PTA Science Fair Night, Monday, March 11th. Please contact your child's teacher for more information, or visit the Bethel website.

TD Bank Reedy River Run
Bethel Elementary runs the ‘Reedy’ on March 1st-2nd! Get healthy and help Bethel win $1,000 by listing Bethel when you register online for one of the three TD Bank Reedy River Run events (Reedy Great Youth Mile, 5K, and 10K). Or register through Bethel for $12.  Registration forms and fees must be turned in by Wednesday, February 20th.  Please include student’s homeroom teacher’s name on the registration form.  Invite friends and family to register through Bethel. For more information, go to or e-mail Mrs. Kleinfelter at

Multiage Application Process 2013-2014
We will accept multiage applications March 4th–22nd. You may pick up an application in the front office starting March 4th. A multiage brochure containing detailed information will go home in Friday folders. Our Primary Multiage consists of 1st/2nd graders, and Intermediate Multiage is 3rd/4th graders. We will have open spaces in all four of these grade levels. A structured lottery will be used to select students for multiage. Parents will be notified of selection results in April.

Extended Day Registration 2013-2014
We will accept new Extended Day (after school) registrations March 4th -22nd. Depending on the number of registrations, we may have a lottery from the registrations collected during this time period to determine which students will receive a spot in the program for next year. Space is limited! The registration fee is $40 per family. Forms are available at or in the front office. If you have any questions, contact our director, Janice Broyles, at 355-4167.
We want your pictures! Please send any pictures you are willing to share that you have taken of school functions, class parties, field trips, staff/teacher luncheons, etc. to Joni Puckett, school historian, at The pictures will be used for the 2012-2013 school scrapbook.

2012-2013 Bethel Elementary Reflections Winners
Congratulations to the following students for being 2012-2013 Reflections Winners. We will recognize these students at our February 11th PTA General Meeting.

Literature – Primary
1st Coker H.
2Nd Parker L.
3rd Mikah E.
HM Matheo C.
Literature – Intermediate
1st Hayley G.
2nd Lexie P.
3rd Kaustubha R.
4th Lexie C.
Photography – Primary                   
1st Addison W.
2nd Addison W.
Photography – Intermediate           
1st Isabella C.
2nd Savannah A.
3rd Isabella C.
HM Jay W.
Visual Art – Primary            
1st Banks W.
2nd Mahi P.
3rd Olivia I.
HM Emily V.
Visual Art – Intermediate
1st Nikki G.
2nd Anna Grace L.
3rd Grace H.
HM Katelyn S.
HM Jada G.
Dance - Intermediate
1st Haley M.

Southeast Council Winners
Dance - Intermediate
HM Haley M.
Literature - Primary
2nd Coker H.
Photography – Intermediate
2nd Isabella C.
Visual Arts – Primary
2nd Banks W.
Visual Arts – Intermediate
3rd Nikki Ghorbani

Monday, February 4th
Choice A: Beef burrito
Choice B: Black bean taco
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken tortilla soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Pinto beans
Choice of fruit

Tuesday, February 5th
Choice A: Enchilada pie with breadstick
Choice B: Baked fish sandwich
Choice C: Vegetation Station (southwest chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

Wednesday, February 6th
Choice A: Chicken pot pie
Choice B: Arroz con queso
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken noodle soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

Thursday, February 7th
Choice A: Baked Potato Creation Station
Choice B: Salisbury steak
Choice C: Vegetation Station (tomato basil soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Mixed vegetables
Choice of fruit

Friday, February 8th
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: Deli sandwich on a whole grain bun
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

February Calendar News

March 4-8
Staff Appreciation Week
March 4
Spring MAP Testing Window Opens
March 5
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 5-8:00 pm
March 19
Multiage Info Night – Primary 6:00 pm, Intermediate 7:00 pm
March 28
Moe’s Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 pm

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