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Friday, December 7, 2012

Bethel E-News Week of December 10, 2012

Monday, December 10th
PTA Board Meeting, 9:30 am
PTA Meeting & Holiday Chorus Concert, 6:30 pm

Wednesday, December 12th
Running Club, 7:15 am

Thursday, December 13th
Chorus, 7:15 am

Friday, December 14th
Crockpot Luncheon for Staff

Crockpot Luncheon
PTA will be hosting the annual Crockpot Luncheon for the Bethel staff on Friday, December 14th. The staff looks forward to this day, and we are so grateful to be able to treat them. If you are interested in contributing food or volunteering during the luncheon, please contact Kerri Ostrander at

Box Tops
Continue clipping Box Tops and sending them in. Our current contest will end on December 14th and the top class will win a dance party in the gym. Last month Mrs. Key’s 5th grade class won extra recess with a total of 660 box tops. We are currently at 25,000 for the year!!! Awesome job!

News From the Health Room
Flu season is upon us!  Encourage your child to use good hand washing, and remind them to cough into their elbow. Any medication that needs to be administered during school hours, including cough drops, must be brought into the health room by the parent.  Students may not remain at school with a fever over 100 degrees.  Please remember your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school, and your child must be out of school 24 hours after vomiting. 

Bethel BASH
It’s the favorite day of the year for the students at Bethel! The annual Bethel Bash Carnival is May 17th and we can always use donations and help! Now is a wonderful time to be on the lookout for cans of colored hair spray. Do you have extras left over from Halloween? We will even take partially used cans. Also, please be sure to send in your eggshells. Make sure they are empty and dry please. Be sure to put your teacher’s name on the carton, and we will have a prize for the class that sends in the most eggshells.
Vacant PTA Positions
We currently have openings for a Carnival Co-Chair and a Confetti Egg Volunteer. If you are interested, please contact Stephanie Yearwood at or Mandi Palmer at

Healthy School Initiative
As you know, childhood obesity rates are rapidly increasing across our state and nation. Our school would like to emphasize better nutrition and increased fitness in order to be good role models for our students. We encourage parents to send healthy snacks to school with your child if his/her class has a snack time. We suggest items such as pretzels, yogurt covered raisins, trail mix, grapes, string cheese, granola bars, etc. Please do not send sweets such as cookies and candy as snacks. I would like to continue offering a healthier balance of food at our class parties (Christmas and Valentine’s Day). Along with something sweet, parents can sign up to send items such as fruit, veggies and dip, cheese cubes, etc. Please contact the room mom for your child’s class if you would like to assist with this. We can have fun parties and enjoy healthy food at the same time! Our PTA, SIC and staff are partnering together to create a healthier environment for our children. Remember that students and parents are not allowed to bring fast food into the cafeteria. Thank you for supporting our healthy school initiative!

Monday, December 10th
Choice A: Hamburger
Choice B: Veggie burger
Choice C: Vegetation Station (broccoli cheddar soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Pinto beans
Choice of fruit

Tuesday, December 11th
Choice A: Pizza 
Choice B: Black bean burger
Choice C: Vegetation Station (Asian ginger chiken soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Vegetable medley
Choice of fruit

Wednesday, December 12th
Choice A: Grilled chicken sandwich 
Choice B: Vegetarian chili
Choice C: Vegetation Station (vegetable beef soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

Thursday, December 13th
Choice A: Pasta marinara with garlic breadstick 
Choice B: Mesquite chicken with whole grain roll
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken vegetable soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Green beans
Choice of fruit

Friday, December 14th
Choice A: Pizza 
Choice B: Vegetable quesadilla
Choice C: Vegetation Station (ham and bean soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

December Calendar News


December 10
PTA Meeting & Chorus Concert
December 19
Holiday Parties (K5 at 10:30 am, 1st-5th at 1:30 pm)
December 20-Jan 1
Winter Break

January 2nd
Students and Staff Return
January 18th & 21st
No School
January 22nd-25th
K5 & 1st Grade Registration
January 24th
Report Cards Issued

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