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Friday, October 18, 2013

Bethel eNews Week of October 21, 2013

Red Ribbon Week October 21-25

Monday, October 21st
BLAST Lego (2nd/3rd), 2:30-4:00 pm

Tuesday, October 22nd
Make-up and Club Pictures
Strings, 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Wednesday, October 23rd
Running Club, 7:15 am

Thursday, October 24th
Chorus, 7:15 am 
SIC Meeting, 9:00 am

Friday, October 25th
End of 1st Quarter Grading Period
Hat Day $1 Sponsored by Student Council
PTA Fall Dance, 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Word of the Week: Ambiguous
Definition: means something is unclear
Sentence: I couldn't understand the question because it was ambiguous

Congratulations Mrs. Hendrix!
Last week Mrs. Hendrix was surprised on the morning news show when Mrs. Byrd announced she was Bethel's Distinguished Reading Teacher of the Year. We are so proud of her efforts, and we look forward to cheering her on as she represents Bethel at the district level competition for Greenville County Distinguised Reading Teacher of the Year. 

Hat Day is Friday
The Bethel Student Council will be holding a Hat Day as a fundraiser on Friday, October 25th.  Please help support us as we prepare for a great year serving our school and the community.  The cost is $1 to wear a hat to school that day.  Money will be collected by the classroom teachers and a sticker will be given to indicate you have donated.  Please wear the sticker proudly.  
Fall Dance
Dress up in your Halloween costume and join us for our first school dance of the year on Friday, Oct 25th. The dance will be held in the staff parking lot from 6-8 pm. Admission to the dance is $5 for Bethel students (no charge for parents). Pizza, drinks, candy, and other items will be available for purchase. All students must have a parent with them throughout the entire dance. We will have a costume contest and prizes will be given out. No scary costumes please!

Box Tops
Our second Box Tops contest is up and running. The top K-2 and 3-5 class with the most Box Tops turned in will receive a pajama day. Please send in your clipped Box Tops in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name and their teacher’s name on the outside. Our next Box Tops collection will be October 31st

Silent Auction Chairpersons Needed
Our annual Bethel Bash is paired with the Silent Auction and will take place Friday, May 16th from 4-8 pm. If you like to ask for donations, organize raffles and/or auctions, and want to help out Bethel we would love to have you. We are in need of co-chairs for the auction this year. If interested, contact Stephanie Yearwood at

Monday, October 21st
Choice A: chicken sandwich
Choice B: black bean burger
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken vegetable soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese stick, and graham crackers
Vegetable medley
Choice of Fruit

Tuesday, October 22nd
Choice A: baked penne pasta with meatballs
Choice B: vegetable frittata with whole grain roll
Choice C: Vegetation Station (southwest chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese stick, and graham crackers
Choice of Fruit

Wednesday, October 23rd
Choice A: Thai sweet chili chicken with brown rice
Choice B: baked potato creation station while whole grain rolls
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken noodle soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese stick, and graham crackers
Choice of Fruit

Thursday, October 24th
Choice A: enchilada pie with whole grain roll
Choice B: hummus plate
Choice C: Vegetation Station (tomato basil soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese stick, and graham crackers
Mixed vegetables
Choice of Fruit

Friday, October 25th
Choice A: pizza
Choice B: veggie chili cornbread casserole
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: yogurt, cheese stick, and graham crackers
Choice of Fruit


November 11-15
Book Fair
November 18-22
American Education Week
November 22
Book Character Day
November 27-29
Thanksgiving Break

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