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Friday, February 15, 2013

Bethel eNews Week of February 18, 2013

Monday, February 18th
NO SCHOOL ~ Presidents' Day
Tuesday, February 19th
Battle of the Books, 7:30 am
Student Council, 2:30 pm

Wednesday, February 20th
Clubs (3rd-5th), 1:30-2:15 pm

Thursday, February 21st
Chorus, 7:15 am
Progress Reports Issued

Friday, February 22nd
Battle of the Books, 7:30 am
Science Fair Projects Due
Yearbook Orders Due

Word of the Week: Ambition
Definition: wanting to do great things
Sentence: Taylor's ambition is to be a horse trainer.

School Safety Video
Please use one of the links below to view a short video about school safety measures in Greenville County Schools.

Science Fair 
Science Fair projects are due in your child's classroom on February 22nd. Projects must include an experiment, NOT a demonstration. It must include a question that you do an experiment to answer. Students should choose a topic in which they are interested. Remember to keep your science simple – it is more important to follow (and write up) the steps of the scientific method than to have a complicated project. We will recognize our school's Science Fair winners at our PTA Science Fair Night, Monday, March 11th. Please contact your child's teacher for more information, or visit the Bethel website.

TD Bank Reedy River Run
Bethel Elementary runs the ‘Reedy’ on March 1st-2nd! Get healthy and help Bethel win $1,000 by listing Bethel when you register online for one of the three TD Bank Reedy River Run events (Reedy Great Youth Mile, 5K, and 10K). Or register through Bethel for $12.  Registration forms and fees must be turned in by Wednesday, February 20th.  Please include student’s homeroom teacher’s name on the registration form.  Invite friends and family to register through Bethel. For more information, go to or e-mail Mrs. Kleinfelter at

Dismissal Reminders
Please remember that early dismissals after 2:00 pm are not permitted.  All early dismissals must take place before this time. Also, if there is an emergency and your child’s transportation home needs to change during the day, please contact the school office before 2:00 pm.  All other requests for a transportation change should be sent in writing to your child’s teacher.  Thank you for helping us ensure a safe, orderly dismissal for our students!

Our next Spirit Night will be at Fuddruckers on Tuesday, February 26, 2013 from 5-8 pm. The children have had a wonderful time being a part of our Spirit Nights at Fuddruckers, and we have received a lot of positive feedback. Because of the numerous requests from students to be “waiters” at Fuddruckers, we will have an open sign-up for 3rd-5th graders to participate. More information will be coming home soon.

Bethel Bash
Although it seems like light years away, the Bethel Bash is right around the corner. This year’s Bash will be held on Friday, May 17th, 2013 from 5-8 pm. This is a favorite day for the students and staff at Bethel, and it has proven to be a fabulous night out full of family, friendly fun!!! We are still in need of donations of silly string, colored hair spray and confetti eggs. A confetti egg DIY went home recently in Friday Folders. Extra copies are available in the front office. The class that sends in the most confetti eggs will receive a pajama day!!

Multiage Application Process 2013-2014
We will accept multiage applications March 4th–22nd. You may pick up an application in the front office starting March 4th. A multiage brochure containing detailed information will go home in Friday folders. Our Primary Multiage consists of 1st/2nd graders, and Intermediate Multiage is 3rd/4th graders. We will have open spaces in all four of these grade levels. A structured lottery will be used to select students for multiage. Parents will be notified of selection results in April.

Extended Day Registration 2013-2014
We will accept new Extended Day (after school) registrations March 4th -22nd. Depending on the number of registrations, we may have a lottery from the registrations collected during this time period to determine which students will receive a spot in the program for next year. Space is limited! The registration fee is $40 per family. Forms are available at or in the front office. If you have any questions, contact our director, Janice Broyles, at 355-4167.

Inclement Weather
Please check the following for school closing announcements in the event of inclement weather:
- Charter Cable Channel 14 or 99
- School District Info Line 355-3100
- School District Website
- Local television, radio stations, and media/websites

Join Us!
Please join Bethel and Monarch Elementary Schools as they host State Senator Ross Turner for a discussion about public education. This will be held at Monarch Elementary on Friday, March 15 at 12:00.  Go to to register for this event.
Monday, February 18th
NO SCHOOL ~ Presidents' Day

Tuesday, February 19th
Choice A: Pasta Primavera with garlic breadstick
Choice B: Baked fish sandwich
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

Wednesday, February 20th
Choice A: Teriyaki chicken sandwich
Choice B: Vegetable lasagna with garlic breadstick
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken noodle soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Choice of fruit

Thursday, February 21st
Choice A: Toasted cheese sandwich
Choice B: Turkey sandwich on a croissant
Choice C: Vegetation Station (tomato basil soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Tomato basil soup for ALL
Choice of fruit

Friday, February 22nd
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: BBQ sandwich
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken and brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
Choice D: Yogurt, cheese, and graham crackers
Fresh veggies with dip
Choice of fruit


February Calendar News

March 4-8
Staff Appreciation Week
March 4
Spring MAP Testing Window Opens
March 5
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 5-8:00 pm
March 19
Multiage Info Night – Primary 6:00 pm, Intermediate 7:00 pm
March 28
Moe’s Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 pm

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