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Friday, November 2, 2012

Bethel E-News Week of November 5, 2012

Monday, November 5th
Report Cards Issued
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night, 5:00-8:00 pm

Tuesday, November, 6th
NO SCHOOL - Election Day

Wednesday, November 7th
CogAT Testing (2nd grade)
Running Club, 7:15 am

Thursday, November 8th
CogAT Testing (2nd grade)
Chorus, 7:15 am
Strings Enrichment, 2:30-3:45 pm
Chorus Performance at Brookwood, 7:00 pm

Friday, November 9th
CogAT Testing (2nd grade)

Book Drive
Is it time to clean out your bookshelves at home? November 1st -15th we will hold a book drive to collect gently used children’s books for needy families. Some homes have little or no reading material which interferes with a child’s ability to succeed in school. We hope to use your book donations to make a positive impact on families right here in our community. Place the books you want to donate in the bins on the front hallway. This can be a great family project. Thank you for supporting literacy in our community!

Book Fair
Speaking of books.... the Book Fair is coming November 12th -16th!!! The Book Fair is always a favorite for our students. Books also make great holiday gifts. To conclude our Book Fair Week, we will have our annual Book Character Day on November 16th. Staff and students will dress as their favorite book characters on that day. Costumes don’t have to be elaborate. They can even be homemade! The purpose is to motivate our children to love reading!

BLAST! After School Enrichment Program
Our next round of after school enrichment, Lego WeDo Robotics II, will be starting soon for grades 2-3. Registration forms went home in Friday Folders, and they need to be returned to Bethel's front office by the morning of Wednesday, November 7th. It will not be first come, first serve as usual. A lottery system will be implemented for student participation. Participants will be notified by email by Thursday, November 8th. If your child gets in the class, you will be asked to send in a check payment by mail within five days. The cost is $55 for 4 sessions. Please see the information/registration form in your child's Friday Folder for more details.

Are You the Best Singer in the District?
Greenville County Schools will be hosting their third annual "Are You the Best Singer in the District" in the spring. Students could win trophies and prizes ($500). Proceeds from the event benefit our County School District Music Education Department. To register, see your music teacher or guidance counselor, or send your name, grade, school, and county to or call 864-325-7374

Box Tops
Keep cutting those Box Tops!! We are on our way to our goal of 100,000 Box Tops, but can’t do it without your help. Please tell your family, friends and neighbors to keep cutting to help raise money for Bethel! The deadline for turn in will be Dec. 15th. The class that turns in the most Box Tops will win a 10 minute dance party!!

Our next spirit night is Monday, November 5th, at Chick-fil-A from 5:00-8:00 pm. Be sure to drop your receipt in the box at the restaurant, and PTA will get 20% of the sales from that night. We would love to see you there!!

Cardinal Contacts
As a service to our students and parents, Bethel PTA publishes Cardinal Contacts, a telephone directory of student names, addresses, phone numbers, parents' names and parents' email and class lists. If you do not want your child's information in Cardinal Contacts, you must complete the form sent home in Friday Folders. Cardinal Contacts are available for $3.00. Please send the order form to your child's teacher by Wednesday, November 7th.

Bethel Bash
It’s not too early to start preparing for the Bethel Bash! This time of year a lot of stores have hair paint and silly string. These things are often discounted after Halloween so it’s a great time to start sending these in for the Bethel Bash. These can be sent in anytime to the PTA room. You can also begin sending in egg shells for confetti eggs. We will be having a contest from now until the Bash for the class that sends in the most eggs. Just send in your cartons of empty egg shells to the PTA room and put your child’s teacher’s name on the outside of the carton. Empty the egg shells by tapping the end of the egg shell with a knife or cracking a small hole in the top and then emptying the egg out when you use it. Be sure to rinse your eggs and let them dry before sending them into school. The confetti egg booth is one of our most profitable and popular booths at the Bash!! Thank you for your support!


Monday, November 5th
Choice A: BBQ sandwich
Choice B: Toasted cheese sandwich
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken tortilla soup, salad, and bread)
Baked beans
Apples or sliced pears

Tuesday, November 6th
NO SCHOOL - Election Day

Wednesday, November 7th
Choice A: Chicken soft taco
Choice B: Vegetarian chili with breadstick
Choice C: Vegetation Station (Asian ginger chicken soup, salad, and bread)
Bananas or sliced peaches

Thursday, November 8th
Choice A: Hamburger
Choice B: Baked fish
Choice C: Vegetation Station (tomato basil soup, salad, and bread)
Grapes or fruit cocktail

Friday, November 9th
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: Vegetarian lasagna
Choice C: Vegetation Station (vegetable beef soup, salad, and bread)
Fresh veggies with dip
Oranges or applesauce

November Calendar News


December 3-7             PTA Gingerbread Shop
December 3                Progress Reports issued
December 3-14           MAP Testing Window
December 10              PTA Meeting & Chorus Concert
December 19              Holiday Parties
December 20-Jan 1    Winter Break

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