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Friday, November 16, 2012

Bethel E-News Week of November 19-20 and November 26-30, 2012

Monday, November 19th
Lego Enrichment, 2:30-4:00 pm

Tuesday, November 20th
5th Grade Immigration Day

Wednesday, November 21st - Friday, November 23rd

Monday, November 26th
Lego Enrichment, 2:30-4:00 pm

Tuesday, November 27th
Lunch n' Learn, 12:00-1:00 pm
Student Council, 2:30-3:30 pm
Fuddrucker's Spirit Night, 5:00-8:00 pm

Wednesday, November 28th
Running Club, 7:15 am
Clubs (3rd-5th), 1:30-2:15 pm

Thursday, November 29th
Chorus, 7:15 am
School Improvement Council, 9:00 am
Strings Enrichment, 2:30-3:45 pm

We just received our 2012 Report Card rating for Bethel. We earned an EXCELLENT absolute rating and an EXCELLENT improvement rating. In addition, our school received an A for our federal accountability rating. Congratulations!!! This happens as a result of commitment and hard work. It takes students, staff, and parents working together to achieve this level of performance.

Hurricane Sandy Relief
Our school has decided to join forces with other Greenville County Schools to provide much needed supplies for the Hurricane Sandy victims in the coastal towns of Sea Bright, Belmar, and Union Beach, New Jersey.  The schools in that area have been hit very hard, and they would greatly benefit from our help.  Rudolph Gordon Elementary has obtained a 53’ truck to transport donated items from the Greenville area.  Contact has been made with the local schools of these towns and a team is in place in New Jersey that will unload the truck when it arrives.  We will be collecting items at Bethel from now until November 30. See below for a list of the items they need. Thank you for any support you can provide!
School Supplies
Paper Clips
Binder Clips
Dry Erase Markers
Scotch Tape
Bulletin Board Supplies
Book Bags
Lunch Boxes
Other Items
Diapers & Formula
Garbage Bags
Socks, Underwear
Work Gloves
Batteries – C, D, AA
Cleaning Products w/ Bleach
Reading Logs
Please be sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes each night. Research shows that students who read more have higher achievement scores.  As a part of our school-wide reading incentive program for the year, the administrative team has agreed to get pies thrown in our faces if students meet their goal of 70,240 books! Oh my, this should be fun!  Turn off the TV and electronic games and read, read, read!!!

Join the PTA today!
Already a member?  Then be a sponsor for another student.  The first 25 students to purchase or become a sponsor will receive a $1.00 voucher for the school store.  Help us reach 100% by joining today. 

Why join the PTA?
Have you ever wondered why we have a PTA or why joining the PTA is important for you and your child?

·         PTA implements under the direction of school administrators, programs to enhance arts education, promote healthy lifestyles, and strengthen family school partnerships. 
·         PTA is at the forefront of boosting parent involvement everywhere. Through the National Standards for Family-School Partnerships, PTA shows how families, schools, and communities can work together to support student success.
·         PTA connects school communities across the country. Millions of parents, teachers, leaders, and community members come together to take part in the national discussion about education and America’s youth.
·         PTA fights for federal funding.  National PTA advocates at the federal level for adequate funding for schools, and works to promote legislation and policies that will strengthen family engagement in education, improve student health, and reduce early absenteeism and truancy.
·         PTAs run units locally to best serve their schools, but they are not alone.  A team of professional and volunteer leaders is never more than a phone call or email away. 

It is our hope that you will join us in being a part of the PTA.  Your $5.00 membership helps to provide programs that are instrumental in helping make Bethel continue to be the School of Quality!! 

We are pleased to announce that the Gingerbread Shop will be returning to Bethel this year!  The Gingerbread Shop will be open Dec 3rd through Dec 7th.  This is a great opportunity for students to do some holiday shopping for family, friends and teachers.  Gifts are priced from $0.25 to $12.00 with the majority of items in the $1.00 to $3.00 range. More information will be coming home in your child’s Friday Folder.

News from the Health Room
Flu season is upon us!  Encourage your child to use good hand washing, and remind them to cough into their elbow. Any medication that needs to be administered during school hours, including cough drops, must be brought into the health room by the parent.  Students may not remain at school with a fever over 100 degrees.  Please remember your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school, and your child must be out of school 24 hours after vomiting. 

The health room is no longer able to stock Vaseline.  Please send Chap Stick to school with your child to treat chapped lips.  As always, the health room appreciates any donations of clothing, shoes, or packaged Chap Stick.
Box Tops
Keep cutting those Box Tops!! We currently have around 25,000 Box Tops collected so far this year. We are on our way to our goal of 100,000 Box Tops, but we can’t do it without your help. Please tell your family, friends and neighbors to keep cutting to help raise money for Bethel! The deadline for turn in will be Dec. 15th. The class that turns in the most Box Tops will win a 10 minute dance party!!

Our next Spirit Night will be at Fuddruckers on Woodruff Road on Nov. 27th from 5:00-8:00 pm! Some Bethel students will be there to wait tables and call out orders. This is a great way to have a sit down dinner with your family and support Bethel at the same time. We would love to see you there!!

Bethel Bash
It’s not too early to start preparing for the Bethel Bash! This time of year a lot of stores have hair paint and silly string. These things are often discounted after Halloween so it’s a great time to start sending these in for the Bethel Bash. These can be sent in anytime to the PTA room. You can also begin sending in egg shells for confetti eggs. We will be having a contest from now until the Bash for the class that sends in the most eggs. Just send in your cartons of empty egg shells to the PTA room and put your child’s teacher’s name on the outside of the carton. Empty the egg shells by tapping the end of the egg shell with a knife or cracking a small hole in the top and then emptying the egg out when you use it. Be sure to rinse your eggs and let them dry before sending them into school. The confetti egg booth is one of our most profitable and popular booths at the Bash!! Thank you for your support!

Monday, November 19th
Choice A: Hamburger
Choice B: Veggie burger
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken noodle soup, salad, and bread)
Pinto beans
Apples or sliced pears

Tuesday, November 20th
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: Black bean burger
Choice C: Vegetation Station (southwest chicken & brown rice soup, salad, and bread)
California blend of vegetables
Oranges or pineapple tidbits

Wednesday, November 21st - Friday, November 23rd
NO SCHOOL ~ Thanksgiving Break

Monday, November 26th
Choice A: BBQ sandwich
Choice B: Toasted cheese sandwich
Choice C: Vegetation Station (chicken tortilla soup, salad, and bread)
Baked beans
Apples or slice pears

Tuesday, November 27th
Choice A: Teriyaki chicken with brown rice
Choice B: Baked potato creation station with whole grain roll
Choice C: Vegetation Station (broccoli cheddar soup, salad, and bread)
Oranges or pineapple tidbits

Wednesday, November 28th
Choice A: Chicken soft taco
Choice B: Vegetarian chili with whole grain breadstick
Choice C: Vegetation Station (Asian ginger chicken soup, salad, and bread)
Bananas or sliced peaches

Thursday, November 29th
Choice A: Hamburger
Choice B: Baked fish
Choice C: Vegetation Station (tomato basil soup, salad, and bread)
Grapes or fruit cocktail

Friday, November 30th
Choice A: Pizza
Choice B: Vegetarian lasagna
Choice C: Vegetation Station (vegetable beef soup, salad, and bread)
Fresh veggies with dip
Oranges or applesauce

November Calendar News


December 3-7             PTA Gingerbread Shop
December 3                Progress Reports issued
December 3-14           MAP Testing Window
December 10              PTA Meeting & Chorus Concert
December 19              Holiday Parties
December 20-Jan 1    Winter Break

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